How to Walk Three Dogs While Pushing a Stroller

If you're easily frustrated, this might be the type of activity that pushes you over the edge. But if you are a person who has three dogs and a baby, chances are you are already over the edge. You're probably looking at your life, wondering how it has come to be that you have this many animals and a new baby crawling around. But here it is, and it'd be nice if you could all get some exercise in the great outdoors at the same time. The walk and the time together outside can be helpful to soothe the baby and calm the dogs down. Here are the challenges with this many responsibilities and how to make it easier on yourself. It can even be fun.

Things You'll Need

  • Stroller
  • Double dog leash attachment
  • Two leashes
  • Treats
  • Baby toys
  • Dog poop bags
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    • 1

      It helps if you have a jogging stroller. They're easier to push and they can handle rough terrain if you happen to go on a trail with the dogs. Make sure to have the stroller ready out front, with some toys for your baby. An extra leash that the baby can gnaw on will become her favorite toy in the stroller. She'll want to be pretending to walk the dogs like you are.

    • 2

      Before you put the baby in the stroller, get the dogs leashed. Buy a double dog leash attachment that you clip on the end of your leash, and that has two different leads to go to each collar of two of your dogs. Pick the two dogs that are similar in height and age, and attach them to the double dog leash. Now you have two dogs on one leash, and you put a regular leash on your third dog. Cram your pockets with dog treats the first few times you go out, to give out to the dogs periodically to keep them focused and responsive to you.

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      Have your dogs sit and stay while you get your baby into the stroller. They should get used to this routine and obey you by being patient as you take your time getting the baby strapped in.

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      Put the two dogs on one side of you and the third dog on the other side. Start off down the road. Give out treats as you first start off. Walk at a quick pace to force your dogs to keep up with you instead of straggling around sniffing everything. Talk happily with your baby. Your dogs will begin to see the baby as a beloved member of the pack, and will stick close to the stroller. Dogs are pack animals, so use this instinct to your advantage. If they see that sticking next to the stroller is easier than pulling on the leash, and they get treats too, they'll stick close.

    • 5

      If your dogs try to switch sides, shorten your leash and guide them back over to their original side. Pretty soon they'll get used to staying in one spot. Reward with a treat. Try to include an open area, or a trail in your walk where you can let them off-leash to run around and get their energy out. This will make the walk home very relaxed. Only let them off-leash if they will come back to you! If they are crazy, let one dog off-leash at time. This curbs the desire to run like mad in a wild pack.