How to Use Dog Seat Belts

Everyone knows that seat belts save lives. They are a necessity for humans, so much so that every state except New Hampshire has a law mandating adult use of seat belts while riding in a car. However, pets can also be hurt in car accidents if they are not properly secured. You can keep your cat safe by keeping her in a carrier while in the car. For your dog, dog seat belts can keep Fido secure and are easy to use.


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      Separate the dog seat belt into its two component parts. These parts are the dog harness and the seat belt adapter.

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      Slip the dog harness on to your pet. There are two arm holes on the bottom of the harness that your pet's two front legs will go through, while the rest of the harness covers your pet's stomach area and stops just before the hind legs. The top of the harness zips up your pet's back, creating a natural hole for his head. Once you put the legs in the leg holes, your dog's head will already be in place inside the head hole when you zip up the harness.

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      Buckle one of the human seat belts in the back seat of your car. Then, tie the dog seat belt adaptor to the buckled human seat belt.

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      Adjust the length of the dog seat belt adapter to suit your pet. Make the adapter long enough that your pet is not rendered completely immobile, but short enough that he can not jump into the front seat.

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      Lift your dog into the back seat of your car. Then, clip the free end of the dog seat belt adapter to the dog harness. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure your pet's comfort. Your dog is now buckled in and ready to travel.