How to Get a EU Form 998 for Pet Travel

If you're a pet parent and planning on taking an extended trip to Europe (the EU), you may hate the thought of leaving your pet behind while you're away. You may even be tempted to cut your vacation short or not go at all. That is noble, but it may not be necessary. It is possible to travel to the EU with your pet, if you've got the right paperwork. The first thing you need to learn how to do in order to bring your pet to Europe with you is how to get an EU Form 998 for pet travel.


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      Visit the Pet Travel store online and purchase the Form 998 for the EU country to which you plan to travel (see Resources below). Each country has its own EU Form 998 for pet travel. You can purchase the forms from the website's online store.

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      Ask your veterinarian for a copy of the form for the specific country to which you are traveling. Most veterinarians keep these forms on hand or can special order them for you if they don't have them immediately available.

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      Contact the embassy of the country to which you are traveling and request an EU Form 998 for pet travel. You can often get the form mailed or faxed to you from embassy personnel.

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      Call the U.S. State department to get the EU Form 998 for the country to which you plan to travel. You can request the form be mailed or faxed to you.

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      Ask whether your local pet store carries the form. Many of the larger pet store chains keep pet travel documents on hand for customers. These forms may be complimentary or you may have to pay for them, depending on the store.