How to Convince Parents to Get a Dog

Dogs are man's best friend. Millions of people own dogs. However, there are also millions of kids out there who would love to have dog, but their parents say, "no." Here are a few steps on how to convince parents to get a dog for the family.


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      Tell your parents that you would really like to have a new dog. Tell them what kind of dog you want and that you have put a lot of thought into this decision. Tell them that you feel you are ready to take on the responsibility of a new pet.

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      Prove to your parents that you are responsible. Clean up your room or wash the dishes without be asked to do so. You can also offer to help out around the house and complete your homework on time without an argument. All of these things help your parents see what a responsible person you have become and then it will be easier to convince them to allow you to have new dog.

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      Give them some reasons why you would like to have a dog. For example, tell them that you would like to have a friend that you can play with, train and take care of. Tell them that a dog would be a great addition to the family.

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      Offer to give up your allowance money to help pay for the dog and its supplies. This is another great way to show that you are really serious about getting a new dog.

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      Use sad eyes and tears if they still tell you no. Ask them why they are saying no. Maybe there is a good reason why they will not allow a dog. Eventually, they will give in and allow you to have a great new pal.