How to Plan a Birthday Party for Your Dog

Ok, so maybe your dog doesn't grasp the concept of birthday parties (or birthdays, for that matter.) He will, however, appreciate the attention and treats. Follow these simple steps to throwing your dog his very own birthday party.

Things You'll Need

  • decorations
  • treats
  • invitations
  • water &water bowls
  • balls, frisbees, etc.
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    • 1

      Make a guest list. Guests can include family members, coworkers and friends plus their canine companions. You may want to exclude dogs who do not play well with others.

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      Choose a location. Some options include your own home, the local dog park, and the doggy daycare. Make sure there is enough space for all of your guests.

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      Send out the invitations. You can simply make some phone calls, send out evites, or make or buy invitations.

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      Go shopping. Buy decorations at your local party supply store. Buy gifts for your dog and party favors for your dog's friends.

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      Plan the menus. Keep in mind that you will need 2: one for humans and one for canines. You can get a dog-safe birthday cake at many dog bakeries or find a recipe online and bake one yourself. Be sure to serve plenty of water on the rocks.

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      Plan activities. Make sure you have balls, frisbees and toys for the guests.

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      Have fun!