How to Talk to a Dog

Dogs vary greatly in size and personality, but all dogs have similar communication styles. Unlike other pets, dogs go out of their to try to establish communication with humans. By learning a dog's signs and adapting the way we speak to them, humans can have effective communication with dogs. Read on to learn more.


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      Communicate with your hands. Dogs understand hand signs as well or better than verbal communication. Use hand motion together with language to reinforce your communication.

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      Use repetitive language when trying to establish communication with a dog. Saying the same word or phrase over and over while performing the same action helps your dog associate the word with the action. Keeping the same tone and using different tones for different actions is also important. The tone is as important as the words.

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      Learn to understand what your dog is saying with his barks. A high-pitched sound is a plea to get your attention. A howl is an expression of excitement or of strong desire.

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      Watch for a dog's body language. A tail wagging from side to side rapidly signals happiness or excitement. A horizontal tail or a tail wagging from side to side slowly indicates the dog is curious about her environment. A tail raised high indicates aggression or agitation.

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      Get the book "How to Speak Dog," for tips and information on dog communication. You can get "How to Speak Dog" by searching Amazon.

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      Visit the websites and for dog communication strategies and tips for understanding how dogs communicate.