How to Care for a Bloodhound

Bloodhounds are good natured and affectionate dogs. Famed for its ability to track scents, professionals use bloodhounds to find evidence or survivors. Although these are reliable, uncomplicated dogs, there are things you must know to properly care for them.


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      Use a gentle tone of voice when training a bloodhound. They can be willful and need consistent discipline, but they are very sensitive to moods and tones of voice. Be firm, but don't be harsh. They are eager to please, and they will learn.

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      Keep a bloodhound fenced in or on a leash all the time. Because of their natural instincts, a bloodhound will pursue interesting smells or chase animals that run by him.

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      Feed bloodhounds several small meals a day rather than one large meal to prevent bloating. Since they are prone to get stomach cramps, don't exercise them right after eating.

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      Provide daily exercise and mental stimulation for your bloodhound. They need to expend energy, or else they will use that energy in destructive activities, such as tearing up the yard or baying incessantly.

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      Clean underneath the ears frequently. The bloodhound's long ears are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria or yeast to grow, especially if moisture or debris gets trapped underneath them.

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      Clean the area beneath the folds of skin to prevent irritation or infection.

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      Brush the coat frequently to facilitate shedding.