How to Care for an English Setter

The English Setter is a bird dog that gets along well with people and other animals. They are often described as graceful and elegant and are known for their long, feathered coat. Because of their long fur and energetic spirit they require more care than many other dogs.


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      Feed an English Setter only the amount of food he's suppose to have. These dogs gain weight easily. English Setters are prone to hip dysplasia and being overweight can complicate this condition.

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      Groom your English Setter twice a week. Additional grooming is needed if the dog gets dirty, or if you find mats or tangles in the fur. Spray conditioner or water on the coat before you brush so the hair doesn't tear.

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      Comb and trim the fur under the paws and between the toes to keep them free from irritation and fungus. Bathe only when necessary.

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      Start obedience training as soon as possible. English Setters are very vocal, and their barking must be discouraged early on. They need firmness and consistency in training.

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      Exercise your dog daily to get rid of excess energy and keep them calm. This dog is not suited for apartments and must run freely. Young setters channel latent energy into activities such as chewing furniture.