How to Choose Between Male and Female Dogs

Bringing a new dog into a family is an important decision. There are many factors that you need to consider. Even after you've narrowed down the type and size of the dog, you still have to consider the sex.


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      Calculate how much time you will have to spend paying direct attention to the dog. Female dogs tend to be more independent. Males are more affectionate but require more attention.

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      Imagine training plans. Males are generally easier to train. Female dogs' independent and reserved nature interferes with training. Males desire constant approval and are easily motivated by food.

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      Choose to lead. Females are generally more stubborn and territorial. They are more likely to question your authority.

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      Enjoy some surprise. Female dogs are moodier. Males tend to have slower mood progressions and more stable dispositions.

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      Pick a fight. Male dogs tend to be more aggressive. If you are looking for a guard dog, this can be helpful. On the other hand, they do not have as much of a natural territoriality as females.