How to Introduce a New Dog to Your Home

Prepare yourself and your home so that your new dog can quickly become comfortable in his new abode.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog Beds
  • Dog Bones
  • Dog Collars
  • Dog Dishes
  • Dog Food
  • Dog Leashes
  • Dog Toys
  • Dog Treats
  • Doghouses And Doors
  • Pet Doors
  • Pet Crates
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    • 1

      Collect supplies for your new puppy or dog: a comfortable bed or crate, dog food and treats, food and water dishes, toys, a collar, a leash and an identification tag.

    • 2

      Dog-proof your home. Check and repair any damaged fencing, gates, doors, windows or screens. Place poisons out of reach, remembering to check behind the fridge for small objects or forgotten rat or mouse poison (see related eHow 'Protect Dogs and Cats From Household Dangers').

    • 3

      Pick up your puppy or dog at a time when you or someone else will be around the house for a couple of days.

    • 4

      Introduce the newcomer to other pets and family members, and then let him explore the house.

    • 5

      Supply a nice, plush bed or a cozy crate. Consider placing the bed or crate in an area where your new pet can keep an eye on you when he beds down.

    • 6

      Take your puppy outside to relieve himself after meals, after playtime, upon waking and, if necessary, every 15 minutes. Adult dogs can wait 2 hours or longer.

    • 7

      Listen for your puppy's cues that he needs to relieve himself in the middle of the night. It may take a while before he can sleep through the night without a potty break. Remember, it was your choice to get this puppy (see related eHow 'House-Train Your Puppy').

    • 8

      Play with your pet on and off throughout the day.

    • 9

      Take your pet to a veterinarian for a checkup and vaccinations as soon as possible.

    • 10

      Obtain a license from the proper agency (see related eHow 'License Your Dog').