How to Select a Vizsla

The vizsla, also known as the Hungarian pointer, is a bird hunter brought to the United States from Hungary in the 1950s. Vizslas are very affectionate and loyal, and need to be a part of the family in order to thrive.


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      Consider getting a vizsla if you have children or other pets. They get along with both people and other animals. They also love to lie on laps.

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      Note that vizslas are very adaptable dogs, and are just as happy living in the country as they are in a city apartment. As long as they get plenty of attention and exercise, vizslas will remain content wherever they are.

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      Reconsider getting a vizsla if you do not have a high fence in your backyard. They can clear fences of more than 6 feet, but will usually stay in the yard if they are given plenty of stimulation.

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      Keep in mind that a vizsla's coat should be short and thick, with a golden rust color. It should have a brown nose with a muscular head and a smooth, long neck.

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      Be aware that vizslas are prone to certain health conditions. These include skin and food allergies, a sensitivity to anesthesia, and hip dysplasia (a malformed ball and socket in the hip joint). Talk to the breeder to find out what type of screening has been done for these health problems.

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      Look at potential breeders very carefully, being sure to ask if they are members of breed clubs, specialty clubs or obedience clubs. Affiliation with a club means you can check a breeder's references to make sure he or she is not running a puppy mill - a place where puppies are constantly bred for financial gain without consideration of the integrity of the breed.

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      Know that male vizslas will be 22 to 26 inches tall when full-grown, and will weigh 45 to 60 pounds. Females will grow to 20 to 24 inches, and will weigh 40 to 55 pounds.

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      Think about adopting a vizsla from a pet rescue organization. Though rescued pets require much training and patience, the vizsla has an easygoing personality and love for people.