My pit attacked and killed other family dog while we were gone lived with two years why?

Possible reasons why a pit bull attacked another dog while the owners were gone:

1. Predatory Drift: Pit bulls are a type of dog that was originally bred for hunting and aggression. This means that they have a natural instinct to chase and kill other animals. If a pit bull is not properly trained and socialized, it may view other animals, including other family pets, as prey and attack them.

2. Resource Guarding: Dogs instinctively protect their resources, such as food, toys, or space. If the pit bull felt that its resources were being threatened by the other dog, this may have triggered the attack.

3. Fear and Anxiety: Pit bulls, like all dogs, can become fearful and anxious if they feel threatened or stressed. If the pit bull felt threatened by the other dog, it may have attacked as a way to defend itself.

4. Lack of Socialization: If the pit bull was not properly socialized with other dogs, it may not have developed the skills needed to interact with them in a positive way. This lack of socialization can lead to aggression towards other dogs.

It's important to note that each dog's behavior is unique, and the reasons for the attack may vary based on the individual dog and the circumstances of the situation. It is always best to seek the advice of a professional trainer or behaviorist if you are concerned about your dog's behavior.