What should you do when your dog is on a leash and loose approaches attacks the other badly?

Here are step by step actions you can take when your dog is on a leash and a loose dog attacks it.

1. Try to break up the fight safely. If it's possible to do so without being bitten yourself, try to safely separate the dogs by gently but firmly pulling your dog away.

2. Control your dog. Once your dog is separated from the other dog, focus on keeping it under your control. Hold the leash securely and try to calm it down.

3. Call animal control. If you are unable to break up the fight or if either dog is injured, immediately call animal control. They will be able to dispatch an officer to the scene to investigate.

4. Get your dog to a veterinarian. If your dog has been bitten, take it to a veterinarian immediately. Even if the wounds appear minor, it's important to have your dog checked out to rule out any internal injuries.

5. Report the incident. If the other dog was off leash, you may want to report the incident to animal control or the police. This will help them track down the owner and take appropriate action.

6. Be aware of your surroundings and other dogs. Always be aware of your surroundings and be on the lookout for other dogs. If you see a dog that is approaching you off-leash, try to avoid it.