How to Stop Dogs Destroying the House While Away

A dog is a pack animal who likes to socialize. When you leave him home alone, anxiety, boredom and pent-up energy can get the better of him. He might start acting up and dig, destroy and chew on household items. Scolding and punishing your dog after the damage is done won't fix his behavior and might even worsen it. Instead, find out what's triggering the destructiveness and take steps to correct it.
  1. Separation Anxiety

    • If your destructive dog whines and paces when you're about to leave, he might suffer from separation anxiety. Although severe cases might require professional help, you might be able to correct mild cases yourself. Tell your dog to stay, give him a toy and pretend you're leaving. Go into the bathroom and lock the door. Wait a few seconds, and then open the door and reward your dog for good behavior. Slowly lengthen the duration of your absence and start using the front door. When your dog is able to behave for 90 minutes, he's most likely ready to be alone for eight hours.

    Exercise and Entertainment

    • Lack of mental and physical stimulation can trigger bad behavior in your dog. Your pet companion might have excess energy that he's trying to burn. To save your furniture, walk your pet companion before leaving the house. Play games, such as tug-of-war and fetch, practice obedience training or take him along on your jog. Tire him out so that when you leave, he'd rather take a nap than tear up the house. Also, provide dog toys so he has something to play with while he waits for your return.


    • Crate training your dog from a young age is beneficial when he's older, because he won't mind being in a crate for several hours at a time when you're absent. His crate is his den, where he feels safe. Alternatively, confine your dog to a small room with a bowl of water and toys so he can't destroy the rest of the house and hurt himself in the process. If your dog is a puppy, paper training might be required, unless you can come home several times during the day to walk him.

    Pet Sitter or Day Care

    • Instead of leaving your dog home alone for hours at a time, drop him off at a doggie day care. If he's not home alone, he can't destroy your belongings. At a doggie day care he'll be able to play with other dogs and he gets fed. Alternatively, have a neighbor or friend stop by your home to check on your dog and play with him or take him for a walk. Some interaction, even if it's just half an hour out of the day, can make the time your dog spends home alone more bearable.