Potential complications of tail docking include:
- Bleeding, infection, and pain: Tail docking can cause significant bleeding and pain, especially if not performed properly. Infection can also occur if the wound is not properly cared for.
- Nerve damage: Cutting the tail can damage the nerves that supply the tail, which can lead to loss of sensation or function in the tail.
- Incontinence: Tail docking can sometimes cause incontinence, as the muscles that control the anus are located near the base of the tail.
- Behavioral problems: Tail docking can affect a dog's balance and coordination, which can lead to behavioral problems such as anxiety, fear, and aggression.
- Increased susceptibility to injury: A docked tail is more likely to be injured than a natural tail, as it lacks the protective fur and bone.
For these reasons, tail docking should only be considered for medical reasons and should never be performed for cosmetic purposes.