* Berries: Berries are a key food source for grizzlies, especially in the late summer and fall. They eat a wide variety of berries, including blueberries, huckleberries, raspberries, and salmonberries.
* Roots and Bulbs: They dig up roots and bulbs, such as camas, cattail roots, and wild onions.
* Grasses and Forbs: They graze on grasses and wildflowers, especially in early spring and late summer.
* Fish: Grizzlies are famous for fishing for salmon, especially in rivers in Alaska and British Columbia. They also eat other fish like trout and char.
* Mammals: They prey on a variety of mammals, including elk, deer, moose, caribou, bison, and smaller animals like rodents and marmots.
* Carrion: They scavenge on carrion, which can include dead animals from other predators or natural causes.
* Insects: They eat ants, bees, and other insects, especially in the summer months.
Seasonal Diet:
* Spring: They focus on emerging grasses and forbs, and may eat carrion or small mammals.
* Summer: They eat berries, grasses, insects, and fish, with a focus on salmon in salmon-rich areas.
* Fall: They fatten up on berries, roots, and bulbs, and may hunt large mammals.
* Winter: They hibernate and do not eat.
It's important to note that the specific diet of a grizzly bear can vary greatly depending on the individual, its habitat, and the availability of food.