What do squrriels eat?

Squirrels are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. Here's a breakdown of their diet:

Plant-based foods:

* Nuts: Acorns, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds, beechnuts, and pine nuts are favorites.

* Seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and other birdseed are common snacks.

* Fruits: Apples, berries, cherries, pears, and other fruits are seasonal treats.

* Mushrooms: Squirrels enjoy mushrooms, particularly when other food sources are scarce.

* Bark: They may nibble on bark, especially during winter when other food is limited.

* Buds: Squirrels eat flower buds and tree buds for extra nutrition.

* Grasses: They will eat grass seeds and blades.

Animal-based foods:

* Insects: Squirrels will eat insects like beetles, caterpillars, and grasshoppers.

* Eggs: They may raid bird nests for eggs.

* Small animals: Occasionally, squirrels will eat small animals like mice or young birds.


* Bird feeders: Squirrels are notorious for raiding bird feeders!

* Garbage: They may scavenge for scraps in garbage cans.

Seasonal Variations:

Squirrels' diet varies depending on the time of year:

* Summer and Fall: They focus on nuts, fruits, and insects.

* Winter: Squirrels rely more on their stored food (nuts) and will also eat bark, buds, and mushrooms.

It's important to note: Not all squirrels eat the same things. Their diet can be influenced by their location, the availability of food, and individual preferences.