* Trout: Brook, brown, rainbow, and lake trout.
* Bass: Largemouth, smallmouth, and striped bass.
* Sunfish: Bluegill, crappie, and pumpkinseed.
* Catfish: Channel catfish, bullheads, and flathead catfish.
* Pike: Northern pike and muskellunge.
* Herons: Great blue heron, green heron, and little blue heron.
* Ducks: Mallards, wood ducks, and teal.
* Kingfishers: Belted kingfisher and green kingfisher.
* Egrets: Great egret and snowy egret.
* Frogs: Bullfrogs and green frogs.
* Salamanders: Newts and mudpuppies.
* Turtles: Snapping turtles, painted turtles, and musk turtles.
* Snakes: Garter snakes, water snakes, and some species of water moccasins.
* Dragonflies: These aquatic insects are known to prey on leeches.
* Crayfish: They are known to eat leeches.
* Otters: These mammals will occasionally eat leeches.
Note: The specific types of animals that eat leeches can vary depending on the location and the specific species of leech.