What animal loves to eat chokecherries?

Many animals love to eat chokecherries! Here are a few examples:


* Robins: These brightly colored birds are particularly fond of chokecherries and will often eat them right off the branch.

* Cedar Waxwings: These beautiful birds are known for their love of fruits, including chokecherries.

* Grosbeaks: Both the Evening Grosbeak and the Rose-breasted Grosbeak enjoy eating chokecherries.

* Bluebirds: While they prefer other berries, bluebirds will also eat chokecherries when available.


* Deer: Deer are known to browse on chokecherry trees, especially in the late summer and fall when the berries are ripe.

* Bears: While not as fond of chokecherries as other fruits, bears will eat them if they are available.

* Squirrels: These nimble creatures are quick to find chokecherries and will often cache them for later.


* Insects: Many insects, like wasps and bees, are attracted to chokecherry flowers and may also feed on the berries.

It's important to remember that while chokecherries are a favorite food source for many animals, they can be toxic to humans. The seeds and leaves contain a compound called amygdalin, which breaks down into cyanide when consumed.