Should you force feed a budgie?

It's not recommended to force-feed a budgie or any other bird. The bird may choke or become stressed if held improperly.*

However, if necessary due to illness or poor appetite, you can assist your budgie with feeding. Here's how to do it safely while offering a nutritious meal:

1. Assess the Reason:

- Determine why the budgie is not eating. Seek veterinary advice if you suspect a medical condition or injury.

2. Prepare Food:

- Use a syringe or a feeding tube specific for birds (found at veterinary clinics or pet supply stores).

- Prepare liquid food such as baby bird formula (commercially available) or a mixture of crushed seeds, cooked rice, and water.

3. Warm up Food:

- Ensure the food is slightly warmed to body temperature to prevent chilling the budgie.

4. Restrain Gently:

- If your budgie is comfortable with it, you can gently hold them in your hands or wrap them securely but comfortably in a towel. Only restrain if necessary.

5. Position Syringe:

- Gently place the syringe's tip about halfway into the budgie's mouth, aiming toward the back of their throat.

6. Feed Slowly:

- Gently squeeze the syringe to release a small amount of food at a time. Don't force the food. Let them swallow it before giving more.

7. Monitor Reaction:

- Observe your budgie's reaction. If they show signs of discomfort, such as struggling or gagging, stop feeding. Take them to a vet immediately.

8. Provide Water:

- Offer water with a syringe or dropper on the sides of the beak if they're also not drinking adequately.

9. Seek Veterinary Care:

- Force-feeding is a temporary measure in emergencies or during treatment. Take the budgie to an avian vet for proper evaluation, diagnosis, and instructions on long-term feeding if necessary.

10. Prevent Stress:

- Handle the budgie with gentle encouragement. Speak in a soothing voice to minimize stress.

11. Reintroduce Self-Feeding:

- As the budgie's condition improves, encourage them to self-feed as soon as possible by offering their regular diet in manageable forms.

Remember, this is a last-resort measure, and it's important to consult a vet for proper care. Improper force-feeding can cause more harm to your budgie. If self-feeding issues continue, seek professional advice to understand and address the underlying cause effectively.