How do you help dog nipples dry up after nursing puppies get teeth?

1. Wean the puppies gradually. Start by reducing the number of times you nurse the puppies each day. As they get older, they will need to nurse less frequently.

2. Nurse the puppies for shorter periods of time. Once you start weaning the puppies, nurse them for shorter periods of time each time. This will help to reduce the amount of milk they are consuming.

3. Soothe the nipples with a cold compress or ice pack. This can help to reduce any pain or discomfort the nursing mother is feeling.

4. Apply a nipple balm or cream. This can help keep the nipples moisturized and prevent them from becoming cracked or sore.

5. Keep the nursing area clean. This will help to reduce the risk of infection.

6. Consider using a nursing bra or nursing pad. This can help to protect the nipples from damage and keep the nursing area clean.

7. Consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns. If the nursing mother is in pain or the nipples are cracked or sore, it is important to consult a veterinarian.