* Prey species: African wild dogs primarily hunt medium-sized ungulates such as impalas, gazelles, and wildebeest. They are also known to prey on smaller animals such as hares and rodents.
* Competitors: African wild dogs compete with other predators for food, including lions, leopards, and hyenas. They are also sometimes killed by these predators.
* Parasites and diseases: African wild dogs are susceptible to a variety of parasites and diseases, including rabies, distemper, and mange. These can cause significant mortality, especially among young pups.
Abiotic factors:
* Climate: African wild dogs are adapted to living in hot, dry climates. They are found in a variety of habitats, including savannas, grasslands, and woodlands.
* Terrain: African wild dogs prefer open areas with short grass or scrub. They avoid areas with dense vegetation or tall grass, which can make it difficult for them to hunt.
* Water: African wild dogs need access to water to survive. They are found near rivers, lakes, or other water sources.