Name something you might see listed on a lost dog?

Here are some things you might see listed on a lost dog poster:

Basic Information:

* Dog's Name: (e.g., "Buddy")

* Breed: (e.g., "Labrador Retriever")

* Color/Markings: (e.g., "Black with white paws")

* Age: (e.g., "2 years old")

* Sex: (e.g., "Male")

* Last Seen Location: (e.g., "Near Elm Street Park")

* Date and Time Last Seen:

* Contact Information: (Phone number, email, website)

Additional Details:

* Collar and Tag Information: (Color, type of tag, any identifying features)

* Microchip Number: (If known)

* Distinctive Features: (e.g., "One floppy ear," "Missing a tooth")

* Special Needs: (e.g., "Blind," "Deaf," "Needs medication")

* Reward Offered:

* "Lost" or "Found" Label:

* Photo of the Dog: (This is crucial for identification!)

Important Note: Be as detailed as possible. The more information you provide, the better the chances of finding your lost dog.