What do dogs have on there body?

Dogs have many things on their bodies! Here are some of the most prominent features:

Physical Features:

* Fur: This is the most obvious feature. Dog fur comes in all sorts of colors, patterns, and textures, from short and smooth to long and curly.

* Skin: Underneath the fur lies their skin, which helps protect them from the elements and can have different pigmentation than their fur.

* Ears: Dogs have ears that are designed to pick up sounds. They come in many shapes and sizes, from floppy to erect.

* Tail: A dog's tail is an important part of their communication. It can wag, tuck, or be held high depending on their mood.

* Teeth: Dogs have sharp teeth for chewing food and for defense.

* Claws: These are sharp, retractable claws on their paws used for traction and digging.

* Nose: A dog's nose is their most important sense organ. It's incredibly sensitive and helps them smell things far better than humans.

* Eyes: Dogs have excellent eyesight, though it's not as good as human vision in certain areas, like color.

* Muscles and Bones: These make up their body structure and allow them to move and play.

Beyond the Physical:

* Microchips: Many dogs are microchipped for identification purposes.

* Collars and Leashes: These are often used for control and safety when walking.

* Tags: These can be attached to collars and contain information like the dog's name and owner's contact details.

Let me know if you want to learn more about any specific part of a dog's body!