What is affiliated mean?

"Affiliated" means connected or associated with a particular person, group, or organization. It implies a relationship that isn't necessarily formal or legal, but there's a clear connection.

Here are some examples of how "affiliated" is used:

* "The charity is affiliated with a major religious organization." This means the charity is connected to the organization, perhaps receiving some support or guidance from them.

* "The artist is affiliated with a local art gallery." This could mean the artist exhibits their work there, or is represented by them.

* "He is affiliated with a number of extremist groups." This means he has some connection with these groups, possibly being a member or having shared their views.

Here are some synonyms for "affiliated":

* Associated

* Connected

* Linked

* Related

* Allied

The exact meaning of "affiliated" can vary slightly depending on the context, so it's always helpful to consider the specific situation.