* "Pudel" in German: The word is believed to have originated from the German word "Pudel," which means "splashing" or "plunging" in water. This is a very fitting name for a breed known for its love of water and its use as a retriever in hunting waterfowl.
However, there are other theories:
* "Caniche" in French: The French word for poodle, "caniche," is thought to be derived from the word "canard," which means "duck," further supporting the idea of the breed's hunting heritage.
* Other possible sources: Some linguists suggest the word might have evolved from the old French word "canin" (dog) or even from the German word "pudel" (meaning "little dog").
Regardless of its exact origin, the word "poodle" has become firmly established as the name for this beloved breed, famous for its intelligence, loyalty, and distinctive curly coat.