Why do people say sic em when the want their dog to go after someone?

The phrase "sic 'em" is a shortened form of "set 'em," which means to "set them on" or "release them" to attack.

Here's how it evolved:

* "Set 'em" was originally used in the context of hunting, where it meant to release a dog to pursue and catch prey.

* "Sic 'em" became a more common and casual version of "set 'em" over time, and it came to be used to command a dog to attack a person or animal.

It's important to note that:

* "Sic 'em" is a dangerous command. It encourages aggressive behavior in dogs and can lead to serious injuries or even death.

* It is never acceptable to incite a dog to attack another person or animal. Responsible dog owners should train their dogs to be obedient and non-aggressive.

If you hear someone say "sic 'em," it's important to be aware of the potential danger and take appropriate precautions.