What are some Name and address of group or organization from which additional information about the career can be obtained for veterinarians?

Here are some organizations and resources where you can find additional information about the veterinary career:

Professional Organizations:

* American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA): [https://www.avma.org/](https://www.avma.org/)

* This is the largest and most comprehensive veterinary association in the US. They offer resources on career paths, education, salaries, and more.

* American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA): [https://www.aaha.org/](https://www.aaha.org/)

* Focuses on standards and accreditation for animal hospitals. They offer information on practice management and career opportunities in this area.

* Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC): [https://www.aavmc.org/](https://www.aavmc.org/)

* Represents veterinary schools and colleges. They offer resources for prospective students, including information about admission requirements and career options.

Other Organizations:

* Veterinary Information Network (VIN): [https://www.vin.com/](https://www.vin.com/)

* An online community for veterinarians and veterinary technicians. They offer news, resources, and discussion forums.

* National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA): [https://www.navta.net/](https://www.navta.net/)

* Represents veterinary technicians and provides resources for their professional development.

Government Agencies:

* United States Department of Agriculture (USDA): [https://www.usda.gov/](https://www.usda.gov/)

* Offers information on animal health and disease, as well as regulations for veterinary practices.

Online Resources:

* Veterinary Career Resources (VCA): [https://careers.vca.com/](https://careers.vca.com/)

* A large veterinary practice company with online resources for those interested in veterinary careers.

* Indeed.com: [https://www.indeed.com/](https://www.indeed.com/)

* A job search website where you can find veterinary job postings and salary information.

Specific Areas of Veterinary Medicine:

* American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS): [https://www.acvs.org/](https://www.acvs.org/)

* American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) for specific specialty areas: [https://www.avma.org/](https://www.avma.org/)

* American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) for information about practicing in animal hospitals: [https://www.aaha.org/](https://www.aaha.org/)


* Network: Talk to veterinarians and veterinary technicians in your area to learn about their experiences and career paths.

* Shadowing: If possible, shadow a veterinarian for a day to get a firsthand look at the work they do.

* Volunteer: Volunteer at an animal shelter or rescue organization to gain experience working with animals.

These resources provide a wealth of information about the veterinary profession and can help you learn more about potential career paths and the education and training required.