What name is given to the motion of animals?

The motion of animals is generally called locomotion.

However, you can also use other terms depending on the specific type of movement:

* Walking: Movement on land using legs.

* Running: Fast walking, typically involving a period where all feet are off the ground.

* Swimming: Movement through water using fins, tails, or other appendages.

* Flying: Movement through air using wings.

* Crawling: Movement on the belly, often using small legs or appendages.

* Slithering: Movement by undulating the body, often seen in snakes.

* Hopping: Movement by jumping on one or two legs.

* Leaping: A powerful jump, usually to a greater distance than hopping.

* Gliding: Falling through the air with limited control, often using skin membranes for lift.

The term "locomotion" is the most general and encompasses all of these specific movements.