What is a behavior animals are born with?

Behaviors animals are born with are called innate behaviors or instincts. These are hardwired, automatic responses to stimuli, and they don't require any learning or experience. Here are some examples:

* Suckling: Newborn mammals instinctively know to suckle on their mother's teats for nourishment.

* Nest building: Birds like weaver birds are born with the instinct to build complex nests without any prior instruction.

* Migration: Many species of birds migrate long distances annually, guided by innate compass mechanisms and the ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field.

* Hibernation: Animals like squirrels and bears enter a state of torpor during winter, guided by an innate biological clock and the changing seasons.

* Fleeing predators: Many animals have instinctive fear responses to specific predators, prompting them to run, hide, or freeze.

* Courtship rituals: Some animals have elaborate mating dances or displays, which are instinctual and serve to attract a mate.

* Defensive mechanisms: Animals like porcupines have quills that automatically stand on end when threatened, while skunks have a natural defense mechanism of spraying a foul-smelling liquid.

Innate behaviors are essential for survival, as they allow animals to cope with immediate threats and perform vital functions without having to learn them from scratch. These behaviors are crucial for species' continued existence and are a fascinating aspect of the natural world.