However, here are some animals known for producing very loud sounds:
Land Animals:
* African Elephant: Their trumpeting can reach 117 decibels, as loud as a jet engine taking off.
* Howler Monkey: As their name suggests, these primates are known for their loud, booming calls that can carry for miles.
* Lion: Roars can be heard from miles away and reach 110 decibels.
* Gorilla: Their loud booming calls can be intimidating.
* Hippopotamus: Hippos are known for their loud grunts, bellows, and snorts.
* Blue Whale: While not land animals, blue whales are the loudest animals on Earth, with calls that can reach 188 decibels and travel thousands of miles.
Marine Animals:
* Sperm Whale: They produce clicks that are used for echolocation and can reach 230 decibels, the loudest known bio-sound.
* Dolphin: Dolphins use clicks and whistles for communication, which can be very loud.
* Trumpeter Swan: Their powerful trumpeting calls are used for communication and can reach 129 decibels.
* Kookaburra: Known for their loud, cackling calls, kookaburras can reach 120 decibels.
* Cockatoo: Some species can reach 130 decibels with their screeches.
* Cicadas: Some species can produce sounds up to 100 decibels.
Remember, these are just a few examples. There are many other animals that produce loud sounds, and the specific sounds and their loudness can vary greatly.