What are the animals has a loud sounds?

It's hard to definitively say which animal is the "loudest" because sound levels can vary based on many factors like distance, environment, and even individual animal variation.

However, here are some animals known for producing very loud sounds:

Land Animals:

* African Elephant: Their trumpeting can reach 117 decibels, as loud as a jet engine taking off.

* Howler Monkey: As their name suggests, these primates are known for their loud, booming calls that can carry for miles.

* Lion: Roars can be heard from miles away and reach 110 decibels.

* Gorilla: Their loud booming calls can be intimidating.

* Hippopotamus: Hippos are known for their loud grunts, bellows, and snorts.

* Blue Whale: While not land animals, blue whales are the loudest animals on Earth, with calls that can reach 188 decibels and travel thousands of miles.

Marine Animals:

* Sperm Whale: They produce clicks that are used for echolocation and can reach 230 decibels, the loudest known bio-sound.

* Dolphin: Dolphins use clicks and whistles for communication, which can be very loud.


* Trumpeter Swan: Their powerful trumpeting calls are used for communication and can reach 129 decibels.

* Kookaburra: Known for their loud, cackling calls, kookaburras can reach 120 decibels.

* Cockatoo: Some species can reach 130 decibels with their screeches.


* Cicadas: Some species can produce sounds up to 100 decibels.

Remember, these are just a few examples. There are many other animals that produce loud sounds, and the specific sounds and their loudness can vary greatly.