What animal symbolizes disease?

There isn't one universally accepted animal that symbolizes disease. However, certain animals have been associated with disease throughout history and across cultures:

Historically and Culturally:

* Rats: Famously linked to the bubonic plague ("Black Death") and other diseases.

* Bats: Carriers of rabies and other viruses, sometimes depicted as harbingers of misfortune.

* Snakes: Associated with venom and disease in many cultures.

* Flies: Carry bacteria and parasites, often associated with filth and decay.

* Worms: Represent parasites and internal illness.

Modern Symbolism:

* Viruses: Often depicted as microscopic monsters or alien invaders.

* Bacteria: Sometimes visualized as microscopic blobs or chains.

* Microbes: Frequently represented as small, abstract forms, symbolizing the unseen nature of disease.

It's important to note that associating animals with disease can perpetuate harmful stereotypes. While these animals may play a role in spreading some diseases, it's crucial to remember they are not inherently evil or synonymous with sickness.