What animals did the Swiss Family Robinson s come across?

The Swiss Family Robinson encountered a wide array of animals in their adventures on the deserted island, including:


* Monkeys: These mischievous creatures often stole the family's belongings.

* Wild Boars: The family hunted these animals for food and used their tusks for various purposes.

* Deer: The family hunted deer for their meat.

* Wild Cats: These creatures posed a threat to the family's livestock.

* Kangaroos: They encountered kangaroos in the Australian segment of the story.

* Various Rodents: Rats, mice, and squirrels were common in the island's ecosystem.

* Dolphins: They interacted with dolphins while sailing.


* Parrots: The colorful parrots were often seen around the island.

* Peacocks: The family encountered peacocks in the Australian segment.

* Seabirds: They observed various seabirds like gulls and albatrosses.

* Exotic Birds: The island featured a variety of exotic birds with beautiful plumage.


* Snakes: The family encountered poisonous snakes on the island.

* Lizards: They observed various lizards like geckos and iguanas.


* Various Fish: The family fished for food and encountered a wide array of fish species.

* Sharks: They faced the danger of sharks while swimming and fishing.


* Ants: The family had to contend with ant infestations.

* Mosquitoes: The mosquitoes were a nuisance, especially at night.

* Butterflies: They observed colorful butterflies throughout the island.

This list is not exhaustive, but it highlights some of the most prominent animal encounters the Swiss Family Robinson experienced during their time on the island.