How are these common with each other Tenderizer tupelo beale street hound dog pelvis?

Let's break down the connection between these seemingly random words:

* Tenderizer: A tool used to soften meat before cooking.

* Tupelo: A type of tree (often associated with honey) and a location in Mississippi.

* Beale Street: A famous street in Memphis, Tennessee, known for its blues music history.

* Hound Dog: A type of dog, but also a famous song by Elvis Presley.

* Pelvis: The bony structure in the lower body that supports the spine and connects the legs.

The Connection: Elvis Presley and Memphis

The common thread here is Elvis Presley and the city of Memphis.

* Beale Street is where Elvis got his musical start, and it's synonymous with blues music.

* Hound Dog is one of Elvis' most iconic songs.

* Tupelo is the city in Mississippi where Elvis was born.

The other words are not directly related to the Memphis connection.

* Tenderizer is a kitchen tool, and

* Pelvis is a bone structure.

Overall: The link between these terms is an indirect one, based on the shared cultural significance of Elvis Presley and Memphis, Tennessee.