However, they are often referred to as "mock suns" or "phantom suns" which *does* lend itself to some interesting folklore!
Here's what you should know about sun dogs:
* What they are: Sun dogs are bright spots of light that appear on either side of the sun, typically at a 22-degree angle. They are caused by the refraction of sunlight through ice crystals in the atmosphere.
* Appearance: Sun dogs look like colorful patches of light, often with a reddish hue on the side closest to the sun and a bluish hue on the opposite side.
* Folklore: Throughout history, sun dogs have been associated with various myths and legends. For example, in some cultures, they were seen as omens of good or bad fortune. Others believed they were the spirits of the dead or the eyes of celestial beings.
So, while there isn't a specific tale of a "sun dog," you can create your own stories inspired by these atmospheric marvels. Here are some ideas:
* A story about a child who befriends a sun dog and learns about the beauty and wonder of the natural world.
* A tale about a group of people who embark on a journey to find the source of the sun dogs, encountering magical creatures and overcoming challenges along the way.
* A legend about a powerful sorcerer who uses their control over the sun dogs to protect their people from harm, or conversely, to inflict curses upon their enemies.
Let your imagination run wild! You can blend the scientific facts of sun dogs with fantastical elements to create a unique and memorable tale.