Why is TPLO performed on dogs?

TPLO (Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy) is a surgical procedure performed on dogs to correct a common knee injury called cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture.

Here's a breakdown of why TPLO is done:

* CCL Rupture: The CCL is a vital ligament in the knee that helps stabilize the joint. When it tears, the knee becomes unstable, leading to pain, lameness, and eventually, arthritis.

* Traditional Treatment: In the past, CCL ruptures were often treated with conservative methods like rest, medication, and surgery to repair the ligament. However, these treatments often failed, and the knee would eventually deteriorate.

* TPLO: A More Permanent Solution: TPLO is a more permanent solution that addresses the root cause of the instability. It involves cutting the top of the shinbone (tibia) and rotating it to change the angle of the joint. This realigns the forces on the knee, effectively replacing the function of the CCL.

* Benefits of TPLO: TPLO significantly reduces the risk of further joint damage and arthritis. It also offers a high success rate, allowing most dogs to return to a normal, active lifestyle.

In summary, TPLO is performed to address the underlying instability caused by a CCL rupture, offering a lasting solution that promotes long-term joint health and allows dogs to regain their mobility.