Here's a breakdown:
* Pomeranians can be prone to nipping and barking. This is often due to their small size and territorial nature. They might feel the need to protect themselves or their owners. This can be interpreted as "mean" by some, but it's usually just a lack of training and socialization.
* Pomeranians are generally affectionate and playful with their families. They form strong bonds and enjoy being around their humans.
* Pomeranians can be quite independent and strong-willed. This can make them seem "mean" to some, but it's simply part of their personality.
So, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the least "mean" and 10 being the most "mean", Pomeranians would fall somewhere between 2 and 5.
It's important to remember that every dog is an individual, and just like people, some Pomeranians are more prone to certain behaviors than others. A well-socialized and trained Pomeranian is likely to be a loving and playful companion.