How to Spy on Your Dog

While you probably don't have to worry about your pup inviting all the neighborhood canines over for a party involving cheap dog treats and chicken broth drinks while you're away, you still might want to spy on him. Your computer serves as a perfect spy tool, but you can go with a less technological approach, including third-party spying and peering through your blinds.
  1. Webcam or Video Camera

    • Webcams aren't only useful for talking with friends and family and taking self-portraits, they're also the ultimate spy tool. Whether you have a webcam that you mount on top of your monitor or one that's built into your laptop, fire up your computer and open the video capturing program that came with the camera. Remember to leave a light on in the room so you won't come back to a black video, and make sure you hit the "Record" button before you leave. If your computer turns off after a certain period of time, disable that feature. The downside to a webcam is that while it likely will capture your pup's barking as long as he's in the vicinity, it won't record him unless he's in the same room as the webcam. You also can use a video camera in lieu of a webcam.

    Blinds and Drapes

    • Maybe you want to watch in real-time how your pup will react while not crated or you're curious as to what he does when you walk out of the house. Spying on him through your blinds or drapes gives you that opportunity, and it keeps you mostly hidden from view. If you have drapes, close them almost all the way, leaving just a thin opening you can look through. If you have blinds, close them and then lift open one slat. Keep it open by fitting the blind tassels beneath the slat, propping it up. Once you're outside, look through the little opening at your pup. Naturally, this option doesn't give you a wide range of sight, and it's not particularly helpful if you don't have windows in an area where you need to spy on your pup.

    Ask a Neighbor

    • If you're more interested in what your pup says instead of what he does while you're gone, you can spy on him through a third party. This typically only works if you live in close quarters to your neighbors, such as in an apartment complex or duplex. Simply knock on your neighbor's door and ask him to let you know if he hears your pooch barking incessantly while you're away. If you've never talked to your neighbors, or you aren't comfortable with them, this probably isn't the best option.

    On the Road

    • Technology enables you to spy on your canine pal while you're shopping for groceries or waiting for your dinner at a restaurant. You'll need a webcam and an application that enables you to remotely access your computer to see the webcam feed or stream the feed to your phone, tablet or laptop. Examples of such applications include Jump Desktop, Orb and LogMeIn.