What Is in Raid Flea Killer?

Raid Flea Killer is an aerosol product used to eradicate fleas in the home environment. The product contains two insecticides, along with various other chemicals. As with all insecticide products, Raid Flea Killer poses some health risks to humans and pets. To minimize heath risks when using insecticides, always follow the manufacturer's instructions on the product label and heed the safety warnings. Seek immediate medical attention if side effects occur in you or your pet.
  1. Pyrethrum Extract

    • Pyrethrum extract is an active ingredient in Raid Flea Killer. The extract is a botanical insecticide made from Chrysanthemum flowers. It kills fleas by paralyzing the insects' nervous systems. Pyrethrum extract is safe for mammals, but is highly toxic to aquatic species and beneficial insects such as honey bees, according to the Pesticide Management Education Program at Cornell University. Though pyrethrum extract is one of the safer insecticides for mammals, it does carry some risks. Possible side effects in mammals include respiratory and skin irritations. Dogs affected by pyrethrum extract may experience lack of coordination. The Pesticide Action Network (PAN) lists pyrethrum extract as a carcinogen. Pyrethrum extract is a contact insecticide, meaning it must be applied directly to fleas to work. The extract has a short life, so it must be reapplied frequently.


    • Tetramethrin is another active ingredient in Raid Flea Killer. It is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. Tetramethrin is a man-made version of botanical Chrysanthemum insecticides. The insecticide kills fleas by inhibiting the insects' nervous systems. Possible side effects of tetramethrin exposure to mammals include lung, eye and skin irritation. Also, the insecticide may affect liver function. Tetramethrin is highly toxic to aquatic life and beneficial insects. Tetramethrin is a contact insecticide that must be reapplied frequently, because it breaks down rapidly upon exposure to UV light. PAN gives tetramethrin a low toxicity rating and lists the insecticide as a possible carcinogen.

    Piperonyl Butoxide

    • Piperonyl butoxide is an additive in Raid Flea Killer that is used to inhibit the breakdown of the insecticides -- pyrethrum extract and tetramethrin -- in the product. Possible side effects of piperonyl butoxide exposure in mammals include nausea, diarrhea and respiratory problems. The additive may inhibit the immune system and can affect hormone-producing organs in mammals. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lists piperonyl butoxide as a possible carcinogen.


    • Raid Flea Killer contains three propellants: propane, isobutane and butane. Propellants are chemicals that enable a product to spray out of an aerosol can. Exposure to propane, isobutane and butane can cause headaches, dizziness, numbness, sleepiness, mental confusion, coordination problems and memory loss.


    • Water is used in Raid Flea Killer to dilute the other ingredients in the product.