How to Get Your Dog to Like Wearing Clothes

Dogs are man̵7;s best friend and are often treated as almost human, with some owners putting their dogs in outfits from pet boutiques and in handmade costumes. While some people argue against dogs wearing clothes, these outfits can be useful if the dog is outside on a chilly day, for example. Dogs react in different ways to wearing clothes, and your approach also needs to take the pet̵7;s safety and comfort into account.
  1. Watch for Uncomfortable

    • When you first present the clothes to your dog, look for signs that it̵7;s not entirely comfortable in them. Many garments will be too small and therefore tight or too large and a possible encumbrance if the dog gets caught on an object while in them. Other dogs will see the clothes as something new to chew. Keep a close eye on how your dog is reacting to the garments. A bad reaction doesn̵7;t necessarily mean that your dog and clothes are incompatible, but it does mean you may need to reconsider the exact choice of clothes selected.

    Keep It Accessible

    • Your dog will never get comfortable wearing clothing if it has a bad experience while wearing them, like if the dog gets a part of the garment caught on an obstacle and can̵7;t escape. Consider how accessible in dog terms the garments you̵7;re choosing are. You may want to avoid items that go on over the dog̵7;s head or that contain collars that are easily caught. If the dog̵7;s clothing does get ensnared, it̵7;s vital that the dog can force its way out of the garment.

    Don̵7;t Force It

    • Clothing isn̵7;t for every dog, and even those that eventually have no problem with the idea of outfits may be wary initially. When first introducing the clothing to your pet, be gentle and take it slowly. Dogs will feel more comfortable if they̵7;ve been able to scout out the garments first, so lay down the items and let the dog sniff them thoroughly.


    • Part of gently introducing the outfit to your pet involves praising and encouraging it. This will help your dog to learn to accept the garments in the same way as a trick is taught. Be vocal about how your dog is doing as you slowly introduce garments. If your dog seems to be taking to the idea of wearing clothes, praise him loudly and regularly. Whenever the dog appears happy with a piece of clothing on, show your appreciation, with treats if possible. This kind of praise sets the dog up to accept the costume or other garments in future.