How Do Dogs Show Affection to Humans?

Although domesticated dogs can become an integral part of any family, they are, in fact, not human beings. Dogs show affection to humans in a number of ways that might be considered offensive if they were coming from another member of the human race. Understanding how a dog communicates affection is important for pet owners, as it helps humans to interpret and appreciate their pets' mysterious expressions of love.
  1. Licking

    • Humans kiss on the lips, but dogs prefer to lick beloved humans' faces to express their affection. This is only true of adult dogs, as puppies "lick their mom's eyes and face to show deference," says certified animal behavior consultant
      Amy D. Shojai. Humans that are not comfortable with the germ transfer that occurs during facial licks can instead offer their hands for licking, as these appendages are easier to wash repeatedly.

    Tail Wagging

    • The WebMD website reports that dogs wag their tails in three different ways, to express three very different messages. When a dog wants to communicate affection and pleasure to a human, it will appear relaxed and the tail wag will be mid-level. A high and tight wag, or a low and fast wag, communicates the opposite of affection. These wags indicate that a dog is defending its turf or is expressing fear, respectively.

    Crotch Sniffing

    • While most humans are on some level uncomfortable with dogs sniffing their crotches, this behavior is actually a form of pleasantry in the canine world. Shojai reports that crotch sniffing is "the equivalent of a human handshake." Humans should therefore take it to mean that a dog is pleased to meet them when it heads for the crotch region for a quick sniff.


    • If a human starts shoving a friend around the room roughly, it may be time to call the cops. When a dog does it, however, it is expressing affection for the human being and asking for more attention. Dogs may also invade the space of a human they feel affection for, by leaning heavily against the individual. This again is an expression of genuine care and a request for some loving attention.