How to Make a Scared Dog Not Scared Anymore

Whether it's a thunderstorm or new visitors entering your home, there are a number of things that can make your dog scared. When a dog is scared, she will usually withdraw to a place in your home and hide. However, there are things you can do to help your dog overcome her fears and feel much more comfortable around others.


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      Introduce your dog to a new visitor in your own home. Having your dog meet strangers in a place she's comfortable in will result in your dog being much less scared than she would if she was meeting strange people in a strange location.

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      Ask the stranger to lightly pet and stroke your dog so that she can get used to the person's touch and smell. This will result in your dog becoming much more comfortable with the stranger, removing any fear she may have.

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      Sit with your dog if she becomes scared during a thunderstorm or bad weather. Having someone whom your dog recognizes will help her become much less scared than she would be if she was left on her own.

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      Invite your dog to investigate objects she might be scared of by asking her, "What is this?" in a positive and energetic manner. Making the object discovery into a game for the dog will make her much more comfortable, removing all fear.