Fun Things to Do With Dogs When You're Dog Sitting

Whether you are a professional pet sitter or simply looking after a friend or family member's beloved dog, both you and the dog can have some fun in its owner's absence. Spend time with the dog in the owner's home or in yours -- and take the dog outdoors to get some fresh air and physical activity to keep it from performing any destructive behaviors.
  1. Exercise

    • To prevent hyperactivity, destructive chewing, unruly behavior or unwanted nighttime activity and vocalization, keep the dog you are looking after well exercised. A simple walk or jog around the neighborhood on a leash or trip to a local dog park allows the dog to get some light exercise. Keep the dog on leash in case it gets away from you; it may not obey you as well as its owner. Indoors, you can run the dog up and down stairs in your home or apartment building. For older dogs, especially larger breeds, keep jogging to short bursts to avoid exacerbating any osteoarthritis and causing ligament injuries.


    • Exercise the dog both mentally and physically by teaching it some new tricks or reinforcing existing training. Make training enjoyable for the dog by using its favorite treats as a motivational tool. To teach a behavior, say the command verbally, tempt the dog to perform the behavior with a treat, then verbally praise the dog and reward it with the treat. To teach the dog to play fetch: put it on a leash, throw a toy a few feet away, wait a few seconds, let the dog get the toy, say "fetch" and coax the dog back to you with a treat -- then praise and give it the treat.


    • Provide the dog with exercise and a fun activity by playing games with it. Use dog chew toys. Tie a toy to a string and use it to play an indoor or outdoor game of chase with the dog. Lure the dog to follow the toy as you pull it along the ground. Hide a few treats in a room, then let your dog into the room to search for the treats or place them in a treat ball for the dog to get out. A variation on this is to hold some treats and then hide from the dog in your home, waiting for it to find you.


    • Spend some quality time with the dog you are sitting for by giving it some gentle grooming to keep it looking its best. Most dogs enjoy being brushed with a soft bristle or slicker brush. Settle next to the dog on a couch and gently brush its fur, speaking to it in a soothing tone. If you see that the dog does not enjoy grooming, use a grooming mitt, available in pet supply stores, to gently stroke the dog and remove excess loose hair. Add the touch of a fun spa experience for the dog with a gentle massage to complete the grooming.