How to Kill Bedbugs on Pets

Bedbugs prefer to reside where humans and their pets sleep. "Bedbugs do not live on the body of their host," says Dr. Tina Wisner, senior director of veterinary outreach and education for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The ASPCA news release goes on to inform readers that pets do not need special physical treatment for the parasites. During a bedbug infestation, the entire house must be exterminated with pet-safe spray, and all bedding and lining should be thoroughly washed.


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      Examine your home for signs of bedbug infestation. The parasites are normally located within 8 feet of a sleeping area. Search your sheets, pet bedding and mattresses for either bedbugs or their exoskeletons. A sweet musty odor and small rusty-colored spots on furniture and bedding are other signs of infestation.

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      Vacuum all carpeted areas. Wash all bedding and linens in your home. These actions will reduce your infestation.

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      Contact an exterminator to treat your home with a pet-safe pesticide like pyrethrin. Take your pet and leave your home for two to three hours to give the spray time to dry.

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      Open windows and doors to ventilate your home. Keep your pet outside while doing this.

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      Shampoo and groom your pet to remove any shed bedbug exoskeletons.