Why Does My Dog Dig in the Dirt?

Dogs owners whose pooches have a tendency to dig in the dirt excessively can rest assured that this is common canine behavior. If you're wondering why your dog takes so much pleasure in digging up your yard, there are a number of possible reasons. The driving force behind your pooch's digging may surprise you.
  1. Escape Routes

    • If you've noticed holes alongside fences and other types of yard-based barriers, your dog is most likely trying to escape from the yard. In some cases, the dog is attempting to create an opening through which other dogs can enter your yard. If your next-door neighbor owns dogs, this could very well be the case.


    • Boredom is another common reason that dogs dig in dirt. If your dog spends a lot of time outside without any toys or stimulation, it may dig in order to relieve boredom or frustration. To prevent this, make sure to provide your dog with an assortment of toys with which it can stay occupied.

    Stockpiling Treasure

    • Protecting their most treasured possessions is another reason dogs dig in the dirt. If your dog owns any bones or chew toys of which it is protective, it may dig holes in which to hide them. Thanks to your dog's enhanced sense of smell, it will have no problem locating the holes even after they have been filled.

    Cooling Off

    • When left outside in hot weather, dogs will sometimes dig holes in which they can lay down and escape the heat. Since the dirt feels cool, the hole offers dogs relief from extreme heat. So, if you're interested in keeping your yard intact, avoid leaving your dog outside in hot weather.

    Sniffing Out Prey

    • Canines with keen hunting instincts often dig holes to find small animals, particularly moles, groundhogs and other ground-dwelling creatures. Even if an animal isn't present at the time of the digging, dogs may be attracted to any lingering scents they leave behind. If your pooch is a natural hunter, be careful about leaving him in your yard or garden unsupervised.