Adopting from Animal Shelters: Saving One Life at a Time

Pets make wonderful additions to a family. A pet can provide a source of unconditional love, companionship, entertainment and sometimes even provide important services for people with special needs. Adopting a pet from an animal shelter is rewarding in many ways. "Shelter animals make some of the most loyal and loving companions, because they just seem to know they have been saved," says Melissa Sartin, founder and director of Cast Away Animal Rescue Effort.

Between 5 and 7 million pets find their way into animal shelters every year, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Of that number, only half ever find homes. That does not include countless animals that never make it to shelters. In addition to nationally recognized animal rescue organizations such as the Humane Society and ASPCA, there are numerous other animal rescue efforts across the country also working to find families for homeless pets.

Adopting from Shelters

Cats and dogs end up in shelters for a variety of reasons, often resulting from owner choices rather than their own behavior. A move, death in the family, divorce, financial stress and time constraints are common reasons people give for surrendering a pet to a shelter. Many shelters and rescue organizations also rescue pets from abusive or neglectful environments as well as from unfit commercial breeding facilities.

If you never have considered adopting from a shelter because you favor purebreds over mixes, you might reconsider: Experts say that as many as 25 percent of all dogs and cats found in shelters are purebred. "I don't think people realize how many purebred dogs are in rescues," says Misty Reiser co-founder of All Creatures Animal Sanctuary and Rescue. "Any dog you are looking for is out there if you just take the time to call the shelters and do a little bit of investigating. A pet that's in high demand, like a Yorkie or poodle, is usually with us for a short time before being spayed or neutered and off to a new home."

Shelters encourage spaying and neutering pets to help reduce the homeless animal population. Another step includes understanding just what you are getting into before taking on the responsibility of a pet. Sartin says rescue organizations and shelters would not have to exist if people would make responsible, informed choices up front. "If you are not in a position to take a pet, don't get one. If you are in a position to adopt a pet, please, please, go to the shelters. When you adopt you are saving two lives, the one you take home and the one the shelter can now take in."

Not only is adopting a pet a good deed, but you are giving your wallet a break. The initial cost of buying a pet from a pet store or breeder is staggering and does not include any other services or necessities. However, most adoption fees range between $50 and $100, including all required initial vaccinations, spaying or neutering and deworming. This is a huge potential cost benefit to the new owner. Still, owning a pet is a fairly significant financial commitment: The ASPCA estimates the lifetime cost of owning a pet averages $6,000 to $7,000 per pet for basic expenses such as food, supplies, preventative vet care, permanent identification and licenses.

Adopting an adult pet may be the right for you. Many adult shelter pets are already housebroken and some have had additional training. This is a savings of time and money for the new owner. Remember that any new animal will undergo an adjustment period with a new family, despite previous training.

The 'Throw-Away' Dog

Picture a vivacious, roly-poly puppy, with liquid-brown eyes that would melt almost anyone's heart. Small, energetic, and full of youthful misbehavior, Nia, a reddish-brown Shepherd mix, almost became a "throw-away dog." At 3 months old she was severely beaten and nearly discarded into city streets. Instead she was rescued, and became a poster-child for animal rescue.

Nia was smart, eager to learn, eager to please and quite devoted to her human family. At 4 years old she was certified as a therapy animal and began visiting nursing homes, schools and hospitals. Visits involving children were her favorite, and the local hospital children's unit became her regular route for much of her adult life. Nia attended college speeches about animal rescue and taught dog obedience classes along with her owner. When Nia's owner was diagnosed with lupus, this special dog was allowed to attend doctor's visits and clinical treatments at her owner's side, because of her strong connection and special credentials.

Nia lost her own battle with cancer when she was 10 years old. This life that was nearly discarded instead became an inspiration to everyone around her.

Success Stories

Those who are in the business of animal rescue know it is hard work. There seems never to be enough time, money or space to accommodate all the unwanted pets. Many rescuers say they cannot stop thinking about all of the animals they are unable to save. What keeps those people forging ahead are the numerous success stories, those lasting bonds, those little glimmers of hope.

Janet Turner is founder and president of Cody and Company of Harrison Inc., a humane animal education program. Turner says that Cody, the animal for whom the nonprofit organization was named, was a mixed-breed dog left by the roadside when he was 3 or 4 months old. Turner took him in despite the numerous other dogs she cared for, both hers and those she fostered. Turner said Cody had a special way with kids and began visiting elementary school classrooms when he was 3 years old. Cody became a beloved mascot promoting animal care, responsibility and safety.

Turner says this was Cody's lifelong job until he died of cancer when he was 13 years old. "The night before he died, I promised him that I would continue to do this," says Turner. "So we became incorporated as a nonprofit group and continue the program today."

Pets often fill a painful void or loneliness. Turner remembers an elderly man who had just lost his wife. The man was introduced to a little brown dog named Rusty, and they bonded instantly. Rusty had been abandoned by the roadside and was hit by a car. Initially the little dog was diagnosed with brain damage and was not expected to survive. However, Rusty recovered well, although he always walked crookedly. Turner says that dogs like Rusty, with injuries or ailments, are often harder to place in homes. In this case, however, the pair was inseparable. Each rescued the other.