How to Darken a Light Bulb for Night Heat for a Pet

If you have an animal that is likely to get cold at night, you can leave the light on in the area where it sleeps. However, a normal white light bulb may make it difficult for your animal to sleep and may not provide that much heat. For this reason, pet retailers sell special darkened light bulbs designed to add more heat to the room. However, you also can darken a light bulb yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Glass paint (available at specialty craft stores)
  • Light bulb
  • Paintbrush
  • Oven
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    • 1

      Hold the light bulb's base with your non-dominant hand. Place it on a painting surface such as newspaper spread on a table. Paint the half you can reach, and then allow it to dry.

    • 2

      Turn over the bulb, and paint the other side. Allow it to finish drying.

    • 3

      Follow the manufacturer's directions on your glass paint. This will indicate the desired baking temperature and time. The heat will help the paint spread out evenly, giving your bulb a consistent color.