How to Make a Hound Dog Stop Howling at Night

Hound dogs are bred for hunting. They are pre-conditioned to howl or bay -- in order to communicate with their master -- usually when they have an animal treed. This is an inherent characteristic of the breed, although how much they howl varies from animal to animal. As such, it is nearly impossible to train the dog not to howl; however, the howling can be greatly reduced by managing the dog's lifestyle and living conditions. Some hound breeds include beagles, basset hounds, coonhounds, basenji, dachshunds and Irish wolfhounds.


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      Exercise your dog for at least one hour a day. The more vigorous the exercise, the more likely the dog will sleep soundly. Jog with your dog if possible. Start exercising slowly and increase the intensity, especially if your dog is sedentary.

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      Organize a routine for your dog and keep it on schedule. This includes taking it out at the same time every morning, exercising it at the same time, and putting it to bed at the same time.

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      Eliminate as much external noise as possible. Many hound dogs howl in response to noises, like sirens or people walking by. Put your dog in a quiet room, where it can rest soundly and not hear any disturbing sounds.

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      Keep your hound dog close to you at night when you are sleeping. Some dogs howl because they are lonely. Make sure the dog sleeps indoors, even if it can't sleep close to you. An isolated dog will not rest well and will communicate with other dogs through howling.