My Puppy Has a Lot of Saliva

Some types of dogs drool a lot from the time they are puppies; however, such drooling is usually identifiable with a particular breed. If your puppy begins salivating excessively, this is a sign of some type of abnormality. In addition to the excessive saliva, you will likely notice some other signs as well. There are a few reasons why your puppy might begin producing a lot of saliva and this means getting it to the veterinarian immediately.
  1. Look for Other Abnormal signs

    • When you first notice your puppy is salivating abnormally, you will want to look for some additional signs that might help you vet diagnose the problem. Notice if your puppy is breathing hard, shaking its head or scratching and pawing at the mouth. These are all signs something is wrong. The cause of the excessive drooling is not easy to pinpoint, because it could signify a number of things.

    Gum and Dental Problems

    • If your puppy has developed a gum disease, it may cause the puppy to produce excessive saliva. Other dental problems, such as a broken tooth, may also cause this reaction. If your puppy has gum disease or another mouth infection, it will usually have bad breath as well.

    Lodged Objects

    • Sometimes puppies get small objects such as a piece of bone stuck in their teeth, gums or tongue. The will cause the puppy to drool. If you cannot remove the object, you should take the puppy into a vet immediately to prevent further injury or choking.

    Mouth Injury

    • Puppies love to chew things up and sometimes they get hold of things that can cause serious injuries to their mouths. This will also cause the puppy to salivate excessively and will require treatment from a veterinarian. Another sign to look for is bleeding in the mouth.

    Reaction to Medication or Poison

    • Some types of medication may cause your puppy to salivate more than normal. If your vet has given your puppy medication, ask him if this is a normal reaction to that medication. Aside from medication, if your puppy ingests poisonous substances, such as certain household chemicals, it may salivate excessively. If you suspect this, take your puppy to the vet immediately.

    Lack of Niacin and Iodine in the Diet

    • If your puppy lacks niacin or iodine in its diet, this will cause excessive salivation. If you suspect this is the case with your puppy's diet, you need to feed it a puppy formula mix that has all the nutrition your puppy needs.