Some Different Types of Flea Collars

Fleas are a common occurrence when you have pets. Cats and dogs left untreated with an infestation of fleas can develop skin and health problems from the bites of the aggressive insects. In the battle to control or eradicate fleas, many pet owners have tried flea collars, which tend to be more successful in preventing fleas than killing them. There are several brands and styles of flea collars available, but these can be categorized into four main types.
  1. Insecticides in Flea Collars

    • The two main type of flea collars, gas or toxin emitting, contain the insect growth regulators methoprene and pyriproxyfen. They also contain insecticides such as permethrin and tetrachlorvinphos. These chemicals are emitted from the collar in a particular amount over a period of several weeks, killing adult fleas to prevent them from laying eggs.

    Gas Emitting

    • Gas emitting flea collars contain an insecticide that is released in gas form. The insecticide is deadly for fleas and is useful to protect the head and neck area of your pet. Gas emitting collars are not effective in keeping fleas of other parts of your pet, however, and other flea treatments is usually necessary along with the collar.

    Toxin Emitting

    • By releasing a toxin that is absorbed into your pet's skin, toxin emitting collars can protect your pet's entire body. The fleas bite your pet and the toxin, which is in their body, kills the fleas. This type of collar is often the most effective type of flea collar but it will only kill adult fleas, not their eggs. New generations may be laid before the fleas die and you will still require treatment to kill the new fleas when they hatch.


    • Ultrasonic or electronic flea collars are available in some pet stores as a non-chemical option to preventing fleas. They emit an ultrasonic noise that is supposed to keep fleas away. They may not be as effective as traditional flea collars because the noise may not be sounded often enough to keep all fleas away. They are designed to work for several months and some may contain insecticides to improve their effectiveness.


    • There are some flea collars which use natural insecticides found in essential oils or herbal formulations. These have not been proven effective in preventing fleas or in stopping them from biting. It is also important to note that essential oils and some herbs are toxic to cats, so use caution when buying herbal collars for your cat and consult with your veterinarian over their use.